for selective recovery of minor metals using innovative process concepts
Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Stefan Steinlechner
Phone: +43 3842 402 5254
Mobile Phone: +43 676 73 78 435
Email: stefan.steinlechner@unileoben.ac.at
1998 – 2003
Higher Technical Education Institute (HTL) Leoben with focus on metallurgy
2004 – 2008
Bachelor’s degree program in Metallurgy, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria (B.Sc.)
2008 – 2009
Master’s degree program in Metallurgy, Montanuniversität Leoben with focus on Nonferrous Metallurgy, Foundry Technology and Thermal Processing Technology
PhD program, Montanuniversität Leoben
Topic: Amelioration and market strategies for zinc oxide with a focus on secondary sources
"Venia Docendi” in the field “Nonferrous Metallurgy”
Topic: Process development and optimization for the extraction of minor elements from industrial residues and by-products
Professional Experience
2009 – 2013
Research Fellow, Chair of Nonferrous Metallurgy, Montanuniversität Leoben
2014 – 2018
Head of the Research Studio Austria for energy- and resource-efficiency in the recycling of metals from industrial residues
2013 – 2018
PostDoc at the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Optimization and Biomass Utilization in the Recycling of Heavy Metals
2018 – present
Private lecturer at the Chair of Nonferrous Metallurgy
2020 – present
Head of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for selective recovery of minor metals using innovative process concepts